June 2007 Local Metroadeo
The 31st annual "Metroadeo" was won Saturday by five-time champ Michael Grady.
 (From left) Mel Nason, Tammy Klein, Michael Grady.
Grady, from King County Metro Transits East Base in Bellevue, placed first in the Operator Division. Tammy Klein, a South Base operator, placed second, and Mel Nason, North Base, took third. Ryan Stringfellow, a North Base mechanic, was victorious in the Maverick Division for the third year in a row.
The roadeo competitions test the skills and knowledge of Metros bus drivers and vehicle maintenance workers. The contests challenge employees to keep their skills current, encourage continued mastery of all aspects of equipment operation, while setting an example for the best safety practices. Winners frequently advance to regional, state and international competition.
Michael Grady will represent Metro at the state roadeo to be held in Vancouver on Aug. 19 and at the APTA International bus roadeo on May 4, 2008, in Austin, Texas.