News from Metro's General Manager

Past Issues


Executive Constantine names new GM for Metro, the nation’s 10th largest transit service

October 25, 2016

King County Executive Dow Constantine named Rob Gannon as General Manager for Metro Transit. Gannon currently serves as interim General Manager. His position is subject to confirmation by the King County Council.…Read more


Giving you the information you want, faster

December 18, 2015

This has been an extraordinary year for Metro. We were able to add about 230,000 hours of service, giving many of our customers more-frequent, more-reliable, and less-crowded bus rides…Read more

Teaming up to take on gridlock

November 16, 2015

A recent headline in the Seattle Times summed up what we’ve all been experiencing: “More drivers, more gridlock, more delays.”…Read more

More Metro service improvements start Saturday

September 24, 2015

Metro bus service will get better in Seattle and across King County starting Sept. 26—and there's more to come as we continue working with partner agencies to deliver more frequent, well-connected, easy to use public transportation…Read more

Metro's new trolleys are purple, green, and easy to ride

August 19, 2015

Five of Metro's brand new, state-of-the-art electric trolley buses start service today—the first of 110 40-foot trolleys we'll be rolling out this year. What a fitting way to mark the 75th anniversary of Seattle's trolley system!…Read more

How well is Metro performing? Read our version of "Consumer Reports"

July 28, 2015

Like Consumer Reports, it uses simple symbols to show you—and us—how well we're progressing toward our strategic plan goals…Read more

Service improvements support growing economy

June 8, 2015

I can look out the windows of Metro's Pioneer Square office building and count 10 construction cranes, and that tells me something. Our economy is surging, and Metro buses are more important than ever—to get people to work, keep congestion in check, and ease the impact of some of those big construction projects…Read more

Tailored to fit: Metro's alternative services

May 28, 2015

You're familiar with Metro buses, but do you know about our alternative services? Metro is working with communities where regular bus service isn't available or isn't the best fit, developing innovative, customized services to meet local transportation needs…Read more

Service increases will benefit bus riders countywide

May 5, 2015

I'm very pleased that Metro will be increasing service on 54 suburban bus routes across King County starting this fall, as announced last week by County Executive Dow Constantine and Seattle Mayor Ed Murray…Read more

It's your turn to help build a transit system for the future

March 18, 2015

In the 1960s, civic activists envisioned a better bus system for King County. They persisted through numerous unsuccessful attempts to get public approval, and finally, in 1972, voters authorized Metro to build a regional transit system…Read more

It's official: Seattle to get more bus service

February 23, 2015

On Feb. 17, both the King County Council and the Seattle City Council approved a contract for the city to purchase about 10 percent more Metro bus service in Seattle…Read more

My New Year's prediction: 2015 will be big for Metro

January 9, 2015

I'm excited about 2015 — it promises to be a watershed year for Metro. Our financial situation has improved thanks to our many efficiency gains, a stronger economy, lower fuel costs, and Seattle voters who approved funding for increased Metro service…Read more


Moving toward service improvements on many fronts

November 7, 2014

Seattle voters' resounding approval of transit funding was the highlight of this week. We're looking forward to partnering with the city to substantially expand and improve Metro bus routes serving Seattle residents…Read more

Reducing service and making the most of every transit dollar

August 1, 2014

After action by the King County Council last week, Metro is moving forward with fall service reductions that are necessary to bring our service in line with available funding…Read more

It's in the numbers — just-released data show how Metro is doing

July 3, 2014

We just released a report full of data about how Metro measures up to the public’s expectations. Is our service reliable? Are customers satisfied? How do our costs compare with other agencies?…Read more

RapidRide delivered as promised, under budget — and just look at the results

June 27, 2014

Metro’s RapidRide program crossed the finish line a winner this month as we rolled out our sixth and final line. With the launch of the F Line, we completed this big new program under budget, largely on schedule, and with all the great service features we had promised…Read more


Metro responded quickly to altercation between driver, passenger

December 13, 2013

Today the news media are reporting on a serious altercation between a Metro bus driver and a passenger that occurred in November. I want to assure you that Metro responded quickly to this incident, placing the driver on leave, investigating thoroughly, and then terminating the driver's employment based on what we found…Read more

Get on board to fight climate change

April 22, 2013

Looking for a meaningful way to observe Earth Day? Ride Metro! You won't find a more effective way to help reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse-gas emissions in our community…Read more


Landmark changes will lead to better service for more riders

September 7, 2012

Later this month, Metro will be making one of our biggest-ever revisions to bus service. Read more

Just in time: System improvements will help Metro meet rising demand

April 12, 2012

If you've filled your gas tank lately, you probably won't be surprised to hear that Metro's ridership is growing. Read more

We're transforming our system - and facing a new threat

February 13, 2012

People throughout King County came together last year around a new approach to making Metro a sustainable transit system… Read more


New budget will provide two years of stability, improvements

November 18, 2011

The King County Council last week adopted a new, two-year budget for Metro that preserves our current level of transit service in 2012 and 2013…Read more

We're taking steps to make the bus system more productive, effective

November 3, 2011

Metro is beginning to advance plans to change our transit system in 2012. Our goals are to improve service quality and to make transit networks more productive and effective…Read more

Service changes starting Saturday will keep people moving

September 29, 2011

We just learned that the Puget Sound area ranks 10th in the nation for percentage of workers who commute by transit…Read more

Council action will bring stability, new efficiencies

August 19, 2011

Over the past three years, as a drop in sales tax revenue opened a yawning gap in Metro Transit's budget, we have worked hard to maintain bus service by cutting costs…Open PDF

Debunking myths about Metro's efficiency

July 25, 2011

As the showdown nears today over King County Council enactment of the $20 car tab fee to save Metro bus service, I have a responsibility to debunk the myths being advanced at the last minute by the Washington Policy Center…Open PDF

Executive requests Council action to move Metro toward financial sustainability

June 20, 2011

King County Executive Dow Constantine this morning asked the King County Council to make important decisions about the future of Metro Transit…Open PDF

Cutting costs by acting on audit recommendations

May 23, 2011

The King County Auditor’s Office conducted a performance audit of Metro in 2009, and gave us a number of recommendations for managing costs. Open PDF

Metro offers many ways to go green

April 22, 2011

Today, as many as a quarter-million people might use Metro services—an excellent way to observe Earth Day. Open PDF

Click and learn about Metro's budget

March 31, 2011

If you've ever had questions about where Metro's funding comes from or how the funds are used, we have a new tool to help you get answers. Open PDF

New 10-year plan will lead to a stronger public transportation system

March 1, 2011

We are changing here at Metro. Over the past two years, we have become leaner and more efficient to preserve as much bus service as possible…Open PDF

What's ahead for Metro in 2011

Jan. 10, 2011

A new year is a time to start fresh and do some things differently-and that's certainly true for Metro Transit in 2011. Here's a glimpse of what's ahead for us. Open PDF


Join us in preparing for travel when it snows

November 22, 2010

Snow has been falling around King County today—and forecasters agree that this winter will be colder and wetter than normal, thanks to La Niña. Here at Metro, we’ve spent many months preparing to operate as safely and reliably as possible when roads are snowy or icy, and to keep our riders informed about changes in service…Open PDF

Regional Transit Task Force sets new course for Metro

November 8, 2010

King County’s Regional Transit Task Force submitted its final report today, making recommendations that, if adopted, will guide Metro's future strategic direction, service allocation decisions and continued improvement in productivity…Open PDF

What our recent budget review found

October 20, 2010

The recession has battered the budgets of transit agencies across the nation. How is Metro's holding up? We just completed a mid-point review of our two-year (2010-2011) budget to answer that question…Open PDF

Launch of the RapidRide A Line

October 1, 2010

I am pleased to announce that Metro is about to launch an exciting new generation of bus service—RapidRide…Open PDF

Rob Gannon

General Manager, King County Metro Transit

Photo of General Manager, Rob Gannon

If you live in King county, Metro is your public transportation system. I want you to know about our performance and the innovative service improvements we’re bringing your way.

Visit here often to read my newsletter, or sign up to receive it by e-mail.
